amulet Museum number 126194 | Cultures/periods AkkadianThird Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2400BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Brak (Syria)
amulet Museum number 122202 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2150BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Royal Cemetery (Ur)
arrow-head Museum number 125826 | Cultures/periods AkkadianThird Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2400BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Brak (Syria)
arrow-head Museum number 125817 | Cultures/periods AkkadianThird Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2400BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Brak (Syria)
arrow-head Museum number 1938,0727.189 | Cultures/periods AkkadianThird Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2400BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Brak (Syria)
arrow-head Museum number 125819 | Cultures/periods AkkadianThird Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2400BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Brak (Syria)
barbed-and-tanged arrow-head Museum number 1938,0727.187 | Cultures/periods AkkadianThird Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2400BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Brak (Syria)
basin Museum number 1919,1111.1803 | Cultures/periods AkkadianThird Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Ur (historic - city)
bead Museum number 120634 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2150BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Royal Cemetery (Ur)
bead Museum number 116573 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2200BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Temple of Sin (Ur)
bead Museum number 120635 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2150BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:India | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Royal Cemetery (Ur)
bead Museum number 123214 | Cultures/periods AkkadianThird Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2300BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Ur (historic - city)
bead Museum number 120621 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrAkkadian | Production date 2400BC-2200BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Royal Cemetery (Ur)
bead Museum number 120577 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2150BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Royal Cemetery (Ur)
bead Museum number 120581 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2150BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Royal Cemetery (Ur)
bead Museum number 122435 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrAkkadian | Production date 2400BC-2200BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Royal Cemetery (Ur)
beaker Museum number 2008,6030.2 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Ur (historic - city) | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Ur (historic - city)
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6876 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 116442 | Authority BIOG62972 Ruler:Shulgi | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production place Made in:Iran | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Ur (historic - city)
bowl Museum number 116432 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Ur (historic - city)
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6621 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.1907 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 116447 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrBronze Age | Production place Made in:Iran | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Ur (historic - city)
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6835 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6866 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 118553 | Authority Ruler:ShulgiRuler:Naram-Sin | Cultures/periods Bronze AgeAkkadian | Production date 2400BC-2050BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Ur (historic - city)
bowl; vase Museum number 122936 | Authority BIOG62972 Ruler:Shulgi | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Ur (historic - city)
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6563 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6601 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6855 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6564 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6558 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6602 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 2015,6026.73 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq, North | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Sippar (historic)
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6619 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6852 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 15976 | Authority BIOG62970 Ruler:Shu-Sin | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2100BC-2000BC
bowl Museum number 131073 | Cultures/periods AkkadianThird Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2400BC-2000BC | Findspot Found/Acquired:Telyab
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6632 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 120863 | Cultures/periods AkkadianThird Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2300BC-2100BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Royal Cemetery (Ur)
bowl Museum number 128759 | Cultures/periods AkkadianThird Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2400BC-2000BC | Findspot Found/Acquired:Harsin
bowl Museum number 128620 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2200BC-2100BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tepe Giyan
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6850 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6544 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 1923,1110.17.a | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Ur (historic - city)
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6707 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6541 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 118556 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Ur (historic - city)
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.4783 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bowl Museum number 1998,0118.6859 | Cultures/periods Third Dynasty of UrIsin-Larsa | Production date 2100BC-2000BC | Production place Made in:Iraq | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Tell Taya
bracelet Museum number 120692 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2150BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Royal Cemetery (Ur)
bracelet Museum number 122213 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2150BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Royal Cemetery (Ur)
bracelet Museum number 122214 | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2150BC-2000BC | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Royal Cemetery (Ur)
brick Museum number 90802 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90010 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 114208 | Authority BIOG62972 Ruler:Shulgi | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90800 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 132804 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90008 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90797 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 114228 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90279 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 114343 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Eridu (historic)
brick Museum number 114298 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Nippur
brick Museum number 90023 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90001 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90399 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90296 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90004 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90040 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90018 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90026 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90276 | Authority BIOG62972 Ruler:Shulgi | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90000 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90796 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Nippur
brick Museum number 90020 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Muqayyar (Ur)
brick Museum number 90790 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90722 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90038 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90821 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90012 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90348 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90036 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90813 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90799 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Nippur
brick Museum number 90058 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90037 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90015 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 90009 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Production date 2300BC
brick Museum number 90791 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 114344 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Eridu (historic)
brick Museum number 90801 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur
brick Museum number 114217 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Abu Shahrain (Eridu)
brick Museum number 114297 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Abu Shahrain (Eridu)
brick Museum number 114225 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Abu Shahrain (Eridu)
brick Museum number 90019 | Authority BIOG63102 Ruler:Ur-Nammu | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Warka
brick Museum number 114223 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Abu Shahrain (Eridu)
brick Museum number 114220 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Abu Shahrain (Eridu)
brick Museum number 114270 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Ur (historic - city)
brick Museum number 114267 | Authority BIOG61869 Ruler:Amar-Suen | Cultures/periods x14626 Third Dynasty of Ur | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Ur (historic - city)