amphora Museum number 1843,0724.1 | Producer name BIOG183539 Attributed to:The Inscription Painter | Cultures/periods x13739 Chalcidian | Production date 550BC | Production place Made in:Italy | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Caere (historic)
architectural drawing Museum number 2015,5009.46 | Producer name Drawn by:William HarrisDrawn by:Samuel Angell | Production date 1823
aryballos Museum number 1869,0614.1 | Cultures/periods x13677 Attic | Production date 4thC BC(early) | Production place Made in:Attica (Greece) | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Greece
bowl Museum number 1866,1203.81 | Cultures/periods x41218 Romano-British | Findspot Found/Acquired:Lincoln
bust Museum number 1884,0604.60 | Cultures/periods x13873 Etruscan | Production date 150BC-50BC | Production place Made in:Italy | Findspot Excavated/Findspot:Italy
calendar watch; lunar watch; watch-case; watch-paper Museum number 1893,0601.328 | Producer name Made by:Matthias HintscheCase made by:DR | Production date 1680-1700 | Production place Made in:Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin)
cameo Museum number 1887,0307,I.196 | Producer name BIOG81101 Factory of:Wedgwood | Production date 1780-1795 | Production place Factory in:Etruria (historic - England)
cameo Museum number 1887,0307,I.608 | Producer name BIOG81101 Factory of:Wedgwood | Production date circa 1790 | Production place Factory in:Etruria (historic - England)
cameo Museum number 1887,0307,I.607 | Producer name BIOG81101 Factory of:Wedgwood | Production place Factory in:Etruria (historic - England)
cameo Museum number 1887,0307,I.245 | Producer name BIOG81101 Factory of:Wedgwood | Production place Factory in:Etruria (historic - England)
cameo Museum number 1887,0307,I.256 | Producer name BIOG81101 Factory of:Wedgwood | Production place Factory in:Etruria (historic - England)
cinerary urn Museum number 1930,1112.1 | Cultures/periods x13873 Etruscan | Production date 300BC-100BC | Production place Made in:Italy
coin Museum number 1839,1224.39 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 200BC-100AD | Production place Minted in:Seriphos (historic)
coin Museum number RPK,p108.12.Ami | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 125BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1970,0909.226 | Authority BIOG140687 Ruler:Hadrian | Cultures/periods x109511 Roman Provincial | Production date 117-138 | Production place Minted in:Tarsus
coin Museum number 1982,0920.14 | Authority BIOG97080 Ruler:Prusias II | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 2ndC BC | Production place Minted in:Bithynia (historic)
coin Museum number 1968,0804.2 | Authority BIOG95261 Ruler:Mithradates VI Eupator | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 125BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number TC,p157.1.Ama | Authority BIOG95261 Ruler:Mithradates VI Eupator | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amastris (historic)
coin Museum number 1856,1001.4 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1842,0214.25 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1929,1013.454 | Authority BIOG88124 Governor:C Caecilius Cornutus | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 56BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number RPK,p108.2.Ami | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1899,0401.52 | Authority BIOG88150 Governor:C Papirius Carbo | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 62BC-59BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number G1956,0409.26 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number G.724 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1940,1001.36 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number HPB,p84.3.D | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 200BC-100AD | Production place Minted in:Seriphos (historic)
coin Museum number 1840,1226.94 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1929,1013.508 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 100BC-85BC | Production place Minted in:Chabacta (historic)
coin Museum number 1901,0406.4 | Authority BIOG64572 Issuer:Anonymous | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 165BC-160BC | Production place Minted in:Athens
coin Museum number 1929,1013.434 | Authority BIOG95261 Ruler:Mithradates VI Eupator | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 125BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1995,0605.66 | Production date 178BC-168BC | Production place Minted in:Macedon (historic)
coin Museum number HPB,p84.2.D | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 200BC-100AD | Production place Minted in:Seriphos (historic)
coin Museum number 1839,0919.14 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 120BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Amasia (historic)
coin Museum number 1961,0301.39 | Authority BIOG88124 Governor:C Caecilius Cornutus | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 56BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1839,0919.26 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 125BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number G.4122 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number TC,p154.3.Ami | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number RPK,p108.1.Ami | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1920,0223.10 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Sinope (historic)
coin Museum number 1866,1201.3485 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1839,0919.37 | Authority BIOG95261 Ruler:Mithradates VI Eupator | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amastris (historic)
coin Museum number 1893,0708.11 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 100BC-85BC | Production place Minted in:Chabacta (historic)
coin Museum number 1937,0402.1 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 5thC BC | Production place Minted in:Cyzicus
coin Museum number 1851,0503.226 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1839,0919.49 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Sinope (historic)
coin Museum number 1929,1013.497 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 120BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Cabira (historic)
coin Museum number 1982,0920.15 | Authority BIOG97080 Ruler:Prusias II | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 2ndC BC | Production place Minted in:Bithynia (historic)
coin Museum number TC,p155.1.Com | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Comana Pontica (historic)
coin Museum number 1844,0425.1820 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number EH,p555.1.Ami | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 120BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Amasia (historic)
coin Museum number 1866,1201.3488 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number HPB,p86.1.D | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1929,1013.512 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Comana Pontica (historic)
coin Museum number 1866,1201.3464 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 200BC-100AD | Production place Minted in:Seriphos (historic)
coin Museum number 1920,0805.1748 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 200BC-1BC | Production place Minted in:Seriphos (historic)
coin Museum number TC,p155.1.Cab | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 120BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Cabira (historic)
coin Museum number G.726 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1920,0223.9 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 120BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Cabira (historic)
coin Museum number 1979,0101.132 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 5thC BC | Production place Minted in:Cyzicus
coin Museum number G.4638 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 125BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1841,B.2171 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 200BC-100AD | Production place Minted in:Seriphos (historic)
coin Museum number 1919,1120.14 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 500BC-450BC | Production place Minted in:Cyzicus
coin Museum number 1933,0214.526 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 302BC-286BC | Production place Minted in:Larissa Cremaste (historic)
coin Museum number TC,p158.1.Sin | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Sinope (historic)
coin Museum number BNK,G.384 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 200BC-100AD | Production place Minted in:Seriphos (historic)
coin Museum number BNK,G.385 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 200BC-100AD | Production place Minted in:Seriphos (historic)
coin Museum number 1977,0304.15 | Authority BIOG95261 Ruler:Mithradates VI Eupator | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Taulara (historic)
coin Museum number 1920,0805.1586 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 300BC | Production place Minted in:Seriphos (historic)
coin Museum number 1979,0101.50 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 120BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Sinope (historic)
coin Museum number 1839,0919.18 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number G.4645 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 120BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Sinope (historic)
coin Museum number 1929,1013.445 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 125BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1929,1013.509 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 100BC-85BC | Production place Minted in:Chabacta (historic)
coin Museum number 1959,0906.1 | Authority BIOG140687 Ruler:Hadrian | Cultures/periods x109511 Roman Provincial | Production date 117-138 | Production place Minted in:Aegae (historic - Cilicia)
coin Museum number 1961,0301.49 | Authority BIOG95261 Ruler:Mithradates VI Eupator | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amastris (historic)
coin Museum number TC,p155.16.Ami | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 125BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1929,1013.452 | Authority BIOG88150 Governor:C Papirius Carbo | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 62BC-59BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number EH,p555.5.Ami | Authority BIOG88124 Governor:C Caecilius Cornutus | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 56BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1929,1013.444 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number BNK,G.383 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 300BC | Production place Minted in:Seriphos (historic)
coin Museum number G.4329 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 200BC-100AD | Production place Minted in:Seriphos (historic)
coin Museum number 1839,0919.51 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 120BC-100BC | Production place Minted in:Sinope (historic)
coin Museum number BNK,G.404 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Sinope (historic)
coin Museum number 1929,1013.520 | Authority BIOG95261 Ruler:Mithradates VI Eupator | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Cerasus (historic)
coin Museum number 1920,0223.7 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1866,1201.3463 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 200BC-100AD | Production place Minted in:Seriphos (historic)
coin Museum number 1841,B.2172 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 200BC-100AD | Production place Minted in:Seriphos (historic)
coin Museum number 1933,0214.527 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 302BC-286BC | Production place Minted in:Larissa Cremaste (historic)
coin Museum number 1839,0919.19 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1929,1013.453 | Authority BIOG88124 Governor:C Caecilius Cornutus | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 56BC | Production place Minted in:Amisus (historic)
coin Museum number 1961,0301.55 | Cultures/periods x13918 Greek | Production date 85BC-65BC | Production place Minted in:Sinope (historic)
column krater Museum number 1814,0704.569 | Producer name BIOG59718 Attributed to:The Owl-Pillar Group | Cultures/periods x111588 Campanian | Production date 470BC-425BC | Production place Made in:Campania
dish Museum number 1855,1201.113 | Producer name Painted by:Francesco Xanto AvelliAfter:Master of the Die | Production date 1527-1531 | Production place Made in:Urbino
drawing; album; print study Museum number J,23.24 | Producer name BIOG17080 Drawn by:William Alexander | Production date 1810
drawing Museum number SL,5226.123 | Producer name BIOG64572 Drawn by:Anonymous | Production date 17thC
drawing Museum number T,5.3 | Producer name Drawn by:Nicolaus MosmanAfter:Anton Raphael Mengs | Production date 1744-1787
drawing Museum number Oo,8.260 | Producer name BIOG22979 Drawn by:Claude Lorrain | Production date 1672
drawing Museum number 1946,0713.25 | Producer name BIOG26907 Drawn by:Paolo Farinati | Production date 1539-1606