drawing Museum number 1977,U.234 | Producer name Drawn by:J CrawshawAfter:Raphael | Production date 1800
plaque Museum number 1885,0508.27 | Producer name Painted by:Assumption painterAfter:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1508 | Production place Made in:Siena (town)
print Title Christ and the Apostles | Museum number 1987,1212.75 | Producer name BIOG49102 Attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1520-1530
print Title Christ and the Apostles | Museum number 1987,1212.81 | Producer name BIOG49102 Attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1520-1530
print Title Christ and the Apostles | Museum number 1987,1212.74 | Producer name BIOG49102 Attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1520-1530
print Museum number 1858,0417.1579 | Producer name Attributed to:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1510-1530
print Title Christ and the Apostles | Museum number 1987,1212.80 | Producer name BIOG49102 Attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1520-1530
print Museum number H,1.33 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Marcantonio | Production date 1510-1530
print Title Christ and the Apostles | Museum number 1987,1212.69 | Producer name BIOG49102 Attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1520-1530
print Title Sacrifice of Isaac | Museum number 1865,0708.97 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Titian | Production date 1515
print Museum number 1868,0612.13 | Producer name Print made by:Nicolò BoldriniAfter:Raphael | Production date 1560-1570
print Title Christ and the Apostles | Museum number 1987,1212.72 | Producer name BIOG49102 Attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1520-1530
print Title Christ and the Apostles | Museum number 1987,1212.71 | Producer name BIOG49102 Attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1520-1530
print Title Christ and the Apostles | Museum number 1987,1212.76 | Producer name BIOG49102 Attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1520-1530
print Museum number 1858,0417.1575 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1860,0414.100 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Titian | Production date 1516-1518
print Museum number Sl,5227.60 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1941,1213.532 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Raphael | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number W,4.95 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1549
print Museum number W,4.109 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1895,0617.90 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1520-1527
print Museum number 1856,0614.137 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Baldassare Peruzzi | Production date 1520-1527
print Museum number 1860,0414.104 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550 | Production place Published in:Mantua (town)
print Museum number 1884,0726.6 | Producer name After:Giulio RomanoFormerly attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1530-1535
print Museum number W,4.25 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Raphael | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number W,4.18 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1517-1518
print Museum number 1941,1213.534 | Producer name Formerly attributed to:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1867,0713.94.+ | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1852,0612.2 | Producer name After:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1530-1600
print Museum number 1895,0122.1233 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1518
print Museum number 1918,1012.2 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1918,1010.34 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1518
print Museum number 1849,1003.146 | Producer name Print made by:Nicola VicentinoAfter:Raphael | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1941,1213.540 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1517-1518
print Museum number 1895,0122.1237 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Giovanni Antonio Pordenone | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number W,4.71 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550 | Production place Published in:Mantua (town)
print Museum number 1928,0313.50 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1549
print Museum number W,4.12 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1518
print Museum number 1874,0808.208 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number W,4.20 | Producer name After:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1530-1600
print Museum number 1860,0414.113 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Giovanni Antonio Pordenone | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1874,0808.201 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1920,0512.22 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Baldassare Peruzzi | Production date 1517-1518
print Museum number 1941,1213.536 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1518
print Museum number W,4.19 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Baldassare Peruzzi | Production date 1520-1527
print Museum number 1874,0808.189 | Producer name After:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1510-1530
print Museum number 1895,0122.1232 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Raphael | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number W,4.88 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Giovanni Antonio Pordenone | Production date 1540-1550 | Production place Published in:Mantua (town)
print Museum number 1860,0414.121 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Titian | Production date 1514-1515
print Museum number 1874,0808.187 | Producer name Print made by:Nicolò BoldriniAfter:Raphael | Production date 1560-1570
print Museum number 2020,7002.1 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1510-1530
print Title Christ and the Apostles | Museum number 1987,1212.70 | Producer name BIOG49102 Attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1520-1530
print Museum number 1935,0713.1 | Producer name Attributed to:Ugo da CarpiFormerly attributed to:Nicolò Boldrini | Production date 1545
print Title Christ and the Apostles | Museum number 1987,1212.77 | Producer name BIOG49102 Attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1520-1530
print Title Christ and the Apostles | Museum number 1987,1212.79 | Producer name BIOG49102 Attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1520-1530
print Title Christ and the Apostles | Museum number 1987,1212.73 | Producer name BIOG49102 Attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1520-1530
print Title Christ and the Apostles | Museum number 1987,1212.78 | Producer name BIOG49102 Attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1520-1530
print Museum number W,4.26 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Raphael | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1895,0122.1239 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Baldassare Peruzzi | Production date 1520-27
print Museum number 1860,0414.117 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number W,4.56 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1874,0808.181 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1518
print; album Museum number M,41.39 | Producer name Print made by:Richard FordAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1820-1830
print Museum number 1928,0313.49 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoFormerly attributed to:Raphael | Production date 1540-1549
print Museum number 1895,0122.1236 | Producer name After:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1530-1600
print Museum number W,4.21 | Producer name After:Giulio RomanoFormerly attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1530-1600
print Museum number 1918,0713.51 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1517-1518
print Museum number 1868,0612.2 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1520-1527
print Museum number 1868,0612.28 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1874,0808.2000 | Producer name Print made by:Elisha KirkallAfter:Raphael | Production date 1722
print Museum number 1918,0713.15 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1874,0808.202 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1858,0417.1572 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1520-1527
print Museum number 1858,0417.1577 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoFormerly attributed to:Ugo da Carpi | Production date 1540-1549
print Museum number W,4.13 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoFormerly attributed to:Raphael | Production date 1540-1549
print Museum number 1895,0122.1235 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550 | Production place Published in:Mantua (town)
print Museum number W,4.55 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1918,0713.52 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1517-1518
print Museum number 1870,1008.1971 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1520-1527
print Museum number 1860,0414.102 | Producer name Print made by:Nicolò BoldriniAfter:Raphael | Production date 1560-1570
print Museum number W,4.16 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1518
print Museum number W,4.1 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoFormerly attributed to:Raphael | Production date 1540-1549
print Museum number 1852,0612.1 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1518
print Museum number W,4.108 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1874,0808.207 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1857,0613.336 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1518
print Museum number 1918,0713.16 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1859,0709.2376 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1527-1530
print Museum number W,4.80 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1941,1213.539.a | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1540-1550
print Museum number 1920,0420.20 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1517-1518
print Museum number 1895,0122.1234 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Raphael | Production date 1518
print Museum number W,4.87 | Producer name Print made by:Ugo da CarpiAfter:Parmigianino | Production date 1527-1530
print Museum number W,4.8 | Producer name Print made by:Niccolò VicentinoAfter:Raphael | Production date 1540-1550 | Production place Published in:Mantua (town)