drawing Museum number 1876,0708.2369 | Producer name Drawn by:Noël CoypelFormerly attributed to:Antoine Coypel | Production date 1628-1707
print Title J. B. P. Molière | Museum number 1893,1018.90 | Producer name Print made by:Alexandre Vincent SixdeniersAfter:Noël Coypel | Production date 1847 | Production place Published in:Paris (France)
print Title Facilis ad bonem principem aditus Un bon prince est d'un facile accès | Museum number 1877,0811.731 | Producer name After:Noël CoypelPrint made by:Charles Dupuis | Production date 1717 | Production place Published in:Paris (France)
print; album Title Opus Typochromaticum | Museum number 1871,1209.5009 | Producer name Published by:Johannes TeylerAfter:Noël Coypel | Production date 1688-1700
print Museum number 1877,0811.647 | Producer name Print made by:Jean BoulangerAfter:Noël Coypel | Production date 1623-1680 | Production place Published in:Paris (France)
print; book-illustration Museum number 1874,0808.1878 | Producer name Print made by:Charles SimonneauAfter:Andrea Sacchi | Production date 1671-1680
print Museum number R,8.18 | Producer name Print made by:Jean BoulangerAfter:Noël Coypel | Production date 1623-1680 | Production place Published in:Paris (France)
print Museum number U,1.131 | Producer name Print made by:Pietro del PòAfter:Annibale Carracci | Production date 1650-1663
print; invitation Museum number Y,7.109 | Producer name Print made by:William Henry TomsAfter:Antoine Coypel | Production date 1730-1750
print Museum number X,7.12 | Producer name Print made by:Charles SimonneauAfter:Noël Coypel | Production date 1660-1728 | Production place Published in:Paris (France)
print Title Iona - Habacuc | Museum number 1874,0808.1897 | Producer name Print made by:Guillaume ChasteauAfter:Raphael | Production date 1660 | Production place Published in:Paris (France)
print Title Rachel cum viro suo Jacob ex Masopotamia proficiscitur | Museum number 1949,1008.313 | Producer name Print made by:Claude MacéAfter:Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione | Production date 1646-1670
print Museum number U,8.10 | Producer name After:Nicolas PoussinPrint made by:Guillaume Chasteau | Production date 1663 | Production place Published in:Paris (France)
print Title Jacob cum omnibus suis inbente Domino ad patrem revertitur | Museum number 1949,1008.316 | Producer name Print made by:Claude MacéAfter:Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione | Production date 1646-1670
print Museum number 1876,0708.2422 | Producer name Print made by:Gaspard DuchangeAfter:Noël Coypel | Production date 1717 | Production place Published in:Paris (France)
print Title Simon Guillain, Sculpteur du Roy et Recteur de l'Académie Royale de Peinture et Sculpture | Museum number 1928,0313.378 | Producer name Print made by:Pierre Louis SurugueAfter:Noël Coypel | Production date 1747
print Museum number 1917,1208.1884 | Producer name Print made by:Jean BoulangerAfter:Noël Coypel | Production date 1623-1680
print Title Noel Coypel | Museum number 1910,0610.64 | Producer name Print made by:Jean AudranAfter:Noël Coypel | Production date 1708
print Museum number 1834,0804.305 | Producer name BIOG23902 Print made by:Noël Coypel | Production date 1643-1707
print Title Noel Coypel | Museum number 1895,0617.302 | Producer name Print made by:Jean AudranAfter:Noël Coypel | Production date 1708
print Museum number U,1.76 | Producer name Print made by:Jean BoulangerAfter:Noël Coypel | Production date 1623-1680 | Production place Published in:Paris (France)
print Title Abraham in Aegyptum cum uxore sua ob famen peregrinatur | Museum number 1949,1008.318 | Producer name Print made by:Claude MacéAfter:Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione | Production date 1646-1670
print Title Bonus princeps salus populi Un bon prince est le salut du peuple | Museum number 1877,0811.728 | Producer name After:Noël CoypelPrint made by:Charles Dupuis | Production date 1717 | Production place Published in:Paris (France)
print Title Cain maudit de Dieu Galerie du Musée Napoléon | Museum number 1856,0308.1036 | Producer name After:Noël CoypelPrint made by:Jean Dambrun | Production date 1804-1815
print; book of prints Museum number 1983,1105.7.1-92 | Producer name Print made by:Charles GrignionAttributed to the Workshop of:Nicolas Poussin | Production date 1763-7 | Production place Published in:London (England)
print; invitation Museum number Y,7.114 | Producer name Print made by:William Henry TomsAfter:Antoine Coypel | Production date 1730-1750
print Museum number 1834,0804.310 | Producer name Print made by:Noël CoypelPublished by:François de Poilly I | Production date 1664
print; book-illustration; book Museum number 1858,1113.289.1-116 | Producer name Print made by:Charles Nicolas Cochin filsPrint made by:Pierre van Schuppen | Production date 1674-1736 | Production place Published in:Paris (France)
print Title Quid leges sine moribus A quoi servent les lois sans moeurs | Museum number 1877,0811.729 | Producer name After:Noël CoypelPrint made by:Gaspard Duchange | Production date 1717 | Production place Published in:Paris (France)
print Title Misericordia et magnificentia opus ejus Cette action est l'ouvrage de sa bonté et de sa ma | Museum number 1877,0811.730 | Producer name After:Noël CoypelPrint made by:Charles Dupuis | Production date 1717 | Production place Published in:Paris (France)