album; painting; manga Title (Nikuhitsu manga) Kaikoku rokujūnen-shi zue (肉筆漫画) 開国六十年史図絵 | Museum number 2015,3028.1-48 | Producer name Painted by:Kitazawa Rakuten 北沢楽天Painted by:Ushijima Issui 牛島一水 | Cultures/periods x14537 Showa Era | Production date 1927 | Production place Made in:Japan
altar; vase; bottle; drinking-cup; offering-dish; mirror; rope; railing; finial; bracket; offering-stand; mirror-stand Museum number 2017,3020.1.1-15 | Producer name BIOG257992 Made by:Aokiya 青木屋 | Cultures/periods x13943 Heisei Era | Production date 2016-2017 | Production place Made in:Nagoya-shi
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.98 | Producer name AUTH225266 Print artist:Nanri Hidetoshi 南里英俊 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1909 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Nemuri (maiko) 眠(舞子) Bijin to kankaku 美人と感覚 | Museum number 2015,3031.80 | Producer name BIOG175863 Print artist:Nakazawa Hiromitsu 中沢弘光 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1906 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.166 | Producer name AUTH225299 Print artist:Saito Shoshu 斉藤松洲 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1905 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.12 | Producer name Print artist:Mizuno Toshikata 水野年方Published by:Nihon Hagakikai 日本葉書会 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date c.1905 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard Museum number 2015,3031.381 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Tsuta no hosomichi 蔦の細道 | Museum number 2015,3031.152 | Producer name AUTH225276 Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1907 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Kantai no kodo 艦隊の行動 | Museum number 2015,3031.343 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1905 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.151 | Producer name AUTH225276 Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1908 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Bara no uta ばらの歌 | Museum number 2015,3031.200 | Producer name Print artist:Takehisa Yumeji 竹久夢二Published by:九段つるや画房 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Nihonkai no kaisen kinen ehagaki 日本海之海戦記念絵葉書 | Museum number 2015,3031.345 | Producer name BIOG165754 Published by:Hochi Shinbun 報知新聞 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1906 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.309 | Producer name Print artist:Jinbo Tomoyo 神保朋世Published by:Seko Taiseido 瀬古大成堂 | Cultures/periods Taisho EraShowa Era | Production date 1920s-1930s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard Museum number 2015,3031.372 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.188 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1906 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.20 | Producer name AUTH225229 Print artist:Yamanaka Kodo 山中古洞 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s(early) | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.55 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.333 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s(mid) | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.194 | Producer name BIOG6460 Print artist:Takehisa Yumeji 竹久夢二 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.146 | Producer name AUTH225276 Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1907 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.83 | Producer name BIOG175863 Print artist:Nakazawa Hiromitsu 中沢弘光 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Kakitsubata かきつばた Kagamiyama かがみ山のききょう | Museum number 2015,3031.178 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.353 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Jiji shinpo manga hagaki 時事新報漫画葉書 | Museum number 2015,3031.163 | Producer name BIOG178588 Print artist:Kitazawa Rakuten 北沢楽天 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.51 | Producer name AUTH225254 Print artist:Tashiro Gyoshu 田代暁舟 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1906 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.293 | Producer name Print artist:Hirai Fusando 平井房人Published by:Kamigataya 上方屋 | Cultures/periods Taisho EraShowa Era | Production date 1920s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.228 | Producer name BIOG3183 Print artist:Yamamura Kōka 山村耕花 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard Museum number 2015,3031.373 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.107 | Producer name Print artist:Maeno Kazuhiro 前野一広Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1908 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.53 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard Museum number 2015,3031.377 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.54 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.290 | Producer name Print artist:Hirai Fusando 平井房人Published by:Kamigataya 上方屋 | Cultures/periods Taisho EraShowa Era | Production date 1920s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.336 | Producer name AUTH225447 Published by:Nippon Yusen Kaisha 日本郵船会社 | Cultures/periods x14594 Taisho Era | Production date 1920s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Nihonkai no kaisen kinen ehagaki 日本海之海戦記念絵葉書 | Museum number 2015,3031.347 | Producer name BIOG165754 Published by:Hochi Shinbun 報知新聞 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1906 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.253 | Producer name AUTH225326 Print artist:Watanabe Yohei 渡辺与平 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1909 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.139 | Producer name Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社Print artist:Komeno Hakusui 米野白水 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1909 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.120 | Producer name AUTH225276 Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1909 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.67 | Producer name Print artist:Kanokogi Takeshiro 鹿子木孟郎Published by:Benrido 便利堂 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Kyoto-shi
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.148 | Producer name AUTH225276 Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1908 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.100 | Producer name AUTH225268 Print artist:Arita Hitoshi 有田稠 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1909 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.91 | Producer name BIOG243741 Print artist:Hashimoto Hosuke 橋本邦助 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title 6 O'clock at night of Yoshiwara (Harimise) (張見世) Hagaki-e kuruwa junitoki はがき絵 廓十二時 | Museum number 2015,3031.32 | Producer name Print artist:Odake Kokkan 尾竹国観Published by:Sunbikai 寸美会 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1906 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.132 | Producer name Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社Print artist:Takasago Dayu 高砂太夫 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1907 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Geigi 芸妓 | Museum number 2015,3031.149 | Producer name AUTH225276 Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1908 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.335 | Producer name AUTH225447 Published by:Nippon Yusen Kaisha 日本郵船会社 | Cultures/periods x14594 Taisho Era | Production date 1919 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard Title The Marvel | Museum number 2015,3031.368 | Producer name AUTH225455 Made by:Numai Orimono 沼井織物 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.1 | Producer name AUTH225220 Print artist:Inano Toshitsune 稲野年恒 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 19thC(late)-20thC (early) | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Beni no tomoshibi | Museum number 2015,3031.285 | Producer name Print artist:Kobayashi Kaichi 小林かいちPublished by:Sakuraiya さくら井屋 | Cultures/periods Taisho EraShowa Era | Production date 1920s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.311 | Producer name Print artist:Jinbo Tomoyo 神保朋世Published by:Seko Taiseido 瀬古大成堂 | Cultures/periods Taisho EraShowa Era | Production date 1920s-1930s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.219 | Producer name AUTH225318 Print artist:Ota Saburo 大田三郎 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.262 | Producer name Print artist:Katō Masao 加藤まさをPublished by:Kamigataya 上方屋 | Cultures/periods Taisho EraShowa Era | Production date 1920s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard Museum number 2015,3031.255 | Producer name Print artist:Katō Masao 加藤まさをPublished by:Kamigataya 上方屋 | Cultures/periods Meiji EraTaisho Era | Production date 1910s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Nunobiki 布引 | Museum number 2015,3031.26 | Producer name Print artist:Kajita Hanko 梶田半古Published by:Shunyodo 春陽堂 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1903 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Odoroki (3) - Odoroita bo-ru 驚き(3)ーおどろいたボール | Museum number 2015,3031.181 | Producer name AUTH225301 Published by:Nihon Hagaki Kurabu 日本葉書倶楽部 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1906 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Cho (Miko) 聽(巫女) Bijin to kankaku 美人と感覚 | Museum number 2015,3031.79 | Producer name BIOG175863 Print artist:Nakazawa Hiromitsu 中沢弘光 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1906 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.126 | Producer name Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社Print artist:Takehisa Yumeji 竹久夢二 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1908 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.215 | Producer name BIOG1249 Print artist:Hashiguchi Goyo 橋口五葉 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.175 | Producer name AUTH225300 Print artist:Hayashi Tada'ichi 林唯一 | Cultures/periods x14537 Showa Era | Production date 1920s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.92 | Producer name Print artist:Hashimoto Hosuke 橋本邦助Published by:Nihon Hagakikai 日本葉書会 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1906 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.225 | Producer name AUTH225318 Print artist:Ota Saburo 大田三郎 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.199 | Producer name Print artist:Takehisa Yumeji 竹久夢二Published by:九段つるや画房 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title 2 O'clock at night of Yoshiwara (Obike) (大引) Hagaki-e kuruwa junitoki はがき絵 廓十二時 | Museum number 2015,3031.36 | Producer name Print artist:Odake Kokkan 尾竹国観Published by:Sunbikai 寸美会 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1906 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.355 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.117 | Producer name Print artist:Maeno Kazuhiro 前野一広Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1907 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.334 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s(mid) | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Yoru ni mayoishi kotori no gotoku (kari-ie e no kito) 夜に迷いし小鳥の如く(仮家への帰途) | Museum number 2015,3031.276 | Producer name Print artist:Fukiya Koji 蕗谷虹児Published by:Kamigataya 上方屋 | Cultures/periods x14594 Taisho Era | Production date 1920s(early) | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.247 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.125 | Producer name Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社Print artist:Takehisa Yumeji 竹久夢二 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1907 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard Museum number 2015,3031.378 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Musashino むさし野 | Museum number 2015,3031.22 | Producer name Print artist:Kajita Hanko 梶田半古Published by:Shunyodo 春陽堂 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1903 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.321 | Cultures/periods x14537 Showa Era | Production date 1926 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Haikara joshi no riso ハイカラ女子の理想 | Museum number 2015,3031.158 | Producer name Print artist:Kitazawa Rakuten 北沢楽天Published by:Benrido 便利堂 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1909 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Lady in Summer | Museum number 2015,3031.58 | Producer name AUTH225255 Published by:Shimbi Shoin 審美書院 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.237 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.97 | Producer name Print artist:Yamada Minoru 山田実Published by:Nihon Hagakikai 日本葉書会 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.287 | Producer name Print artist:Kobayashi Kaichi 小林かいちPublished by:Sakuraiya さくら井屋 | Cultures/periods Taisho EraShowa Era | Production date 1920s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.81 | Producer name Print artist:Nakazawa Hiromitsu 中沢弘光Published by:Nihon Hagakikai 日本葉書会 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard Museum number 2015,3031.363 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Ai no kasumi 愛之霞 | Museum number 2015,3031.352 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Yuzora 夕空 | Museum number 2015,3031.297 | Producer name AUTH225346 Print artist:Takabatake Kasho 高畠華宵 | Cultures/periods Taisho EraShowa Era | Production date 1920s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.242 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Tsuki 月 | Museum number 2015,3031.302 | Producer name AUTH225349 Print artist:Nakahara Jun'ichi 中原淳一 | Cultures/periods Taisho EraShowa Era | Production date 1920s-1930s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title 4 O'clock at night of Yoshiwara (Asachozu) (朝手水) Hagaki-e kuruwa junitoki はがき絵 廓十二時 | Museum number 2015,3031.37 | Producer name Print artist:Odake Kokkan 尾竹国観Published by:Sunbikai 寸美会 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1906 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.331 | Cultures/periods x14594 Taisho Era | Production date 1924 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Nagaoka no yadori 長岡の宿 | Museum number 2015,3031.25 | Producer name Print artist:Kajita Hanko 梶田半古Published by:Shunyodo 春陽堂 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1903 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.76 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s-1910s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Nihonkai no kaisen kinen ehagaki 日本海之海戦記念絵葉書 | Museum number 2015,3031.348 | Producer name BIOG165754 Published by:Hochi Shinbun 報知新聞 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1906 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Kawachi kayoi 河内かよひ | Museum number 2015,3031.23 | Producer name Print artist:Kajita Hanko 梶田半古Published by:Shunyodo 春陽堂 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1903 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.296 | Cultures/periods Taisho EraShowa Era | Production date 1920s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.224 | Producer name AUTH225318 Print artist:Ota Saburo 大田三郎 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Title Utaizome うたいぞめ | Museum number 2015,3031.322 | Cultures/periods x14594 Taisho Era | Production date 1920s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.210 | Producer name AUTH225315 Print artist:Ichijo Narumi 一條成美 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1908 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.96 | Producer name AUTH225264 Print artist:Yamada Minoru 山田実 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1909 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.134 | Producer name Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社Print artist:Sakenomitei Kudamaki 酒呑亭管巻 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1908 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.299 | Producer name AUTH225346 Print artist:Takabatake Kasho 高畠華宵 | Cultures/periods Taisho EraShowa Era | Production date 1920s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard Museum number 2015,3031.364 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard Title Near the wistaria two sisters throw the food at goldfishes [sic] | Museum number 2015,3031.370 | Producer name Print artist:Ikeda Terukata 池田輝方Published by:Shokado | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1900s | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.111 | Producer name Print artist:Maeno Kazuhiro 前野一広Published by:Kokkei Shinbunsha 滑稽新聞社 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1908 | Production place Published in:Japan
artist postcard; print Museum number 2015,3031.89 | Producer name BIOG243741 Print artist:Hashimoto Hosuke 橋本邦助 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1905 | Production place Published in:Japan