bowl Museum number 1855,1201.53 | Producer name Painted by:Francesco Xanto AvelliAfter:Marcantonio | Production date 1533 | Production place Made in:Urbino
bowl; wine-cooler Museum number SLMisc.1689 | Producer name Workshop of:Giacinto GrassiAfter:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1654 | Production place Made in:Urbino
dish Museum number 1853,0701.1 | Producer name Painted by:In Castel Durante painterAfter:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1525-1530 | Production place Made in:Castel Durante (historic)
dish Museum number 1855,1201.113 | Producer name Painted by:Francesco Xanto AvelliAfter:Master of the Die | Production date 1527-1531 | Production place Made in:Urbino
drawing Museum number 1932,0623.3 | Producer name Drawn by:Simon Du BoisAfter:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1632-1708
drawing Museum number 1932,0623.2 | Producer name Drawn by:Simon Du BoisAfter:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1632-1708
plate Museum number 1888,0215.1 | Producer name Painted by:Painter of the Coalmine serviceAfter:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1539-1547 | Production place Made in:Urbino
plate Museum number 1885,0508.36 | Producer name Painted by:Nicola da UrbinoAfter:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1525-1530 | Production place Made in:Urbino
plate Museum number 1855,0811.1 | Producer name Manner/Style of:Baldassare ManaraAfter:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1533 | Production place Made in:Faenza
print Museum number 1870,1210.689 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1535
print; map Museum number 1847,1009.1.+ | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1535
print Museum number 1949,1011.1 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1533-1536
print Museum number 1895,0915.385 | Producer name After:Barthel BehamPrint made by:Sebald Beham | Production date 1530-1550
print; ornament print Title Set of twenty ornament panels | Museum number 1873,0809.771 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoPublished by:Antonio Salamanca | Production date 1530-1535
print Title Terms | Museum number 1874,0613.674 | Producer name BIOG16948 After:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1536
print Title Evangelists | Museum number H,7.9 | Producer name After:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Giulio Romano | Production date 1518-1520
print; ornament print Title Twelve antique vases in bronze and marble | Museum number 1873,0111.62 | Producer name BIOG16948 After:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1531
print Museum number V,2.102 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Raphael | Production date 1510-1527
print; ornament print Title Capitals, bases and entablatures of the three orders of architecture | Museum number 1869,0410.211 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Sebastiano Serlio | Production date 1528
print Museum number 1868,0822.59 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1515-1530
print; ornament print Title Twelve antique vases in bronze and marble | Museum number 1874,0808.2347 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoPublished by:Antonio Salamanca | Production date 1531
print Title Terms | Museum number 1870,0514.1238 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1536
print Museum number 1873,0809.740 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Raphael | Production date 1528
print Museum number 1867,1012.381 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1535
print Museum number 1957,0530.121 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoFormerly attributed to:Marco da Ravenna | Production date 1510-1520
print Title The fable of Cupid and Psyche | Museum number L,67.4 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Michiel Coxie I | Production date 1520-1535
print Museum number 1865,0812.89 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1528
print Title Franciscus Gallorum Rex Cristianissimus | Museum number R,6.5 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1536
print Museum number H,3.78 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1515-1530
print; ornament print Title Set of twenty ornament panels | Museum number 1869,0410.217 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1530-1535
print Museum number 1850,0223.175 | Producer name Formerly attributed to:Barthel BehamAfter:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1520-1550
print Museum number 1872,1012.3489 | Producer name Attributed to:Agostino VenezianoPublished by:Antonio Salamanca | Production date 1515-1550
print Museum number H,7.22 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1515-1530
print Museum number 1863,0110.196 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1515-1530
print Museum number 1873,0809.749 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1515-1530
print Title The story of Cupid and Psyche | Museum number M,44.8 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Michiel Coxie I | Production date 1520-1536
print Museum number 1873,0809.746 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1510-1515
print Museum number H,7.39 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1528
print Museum number 1840,0808.10 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1510-1530
print Museum number H,2.70 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1515
print Museum number 1873,0809.748 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1515-1530
print Museum number 1873,0809.781 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Albrecht Dürer | Production date 1515
print Museum number 1874,0808.330 | Producer name After:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Raphael | Production date 1516-1520
print; ornament print Title Twelve antique vases in bronze and marble | Museum number 1873,0111.64 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1531
print Museum number H,7.24 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Raphael | Production date 1530
print Title Terms | Museum number 1872,0113.390 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1536
print Museum number H,7.4 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Raphael | Production date 1522-1524
print; ornament print Museum number 1886,0111.91 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1530-1535
print; ornament print Museum number 1873,0809.757 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1530-1535
print Title Evangelists | Museum number 1844,0425.9 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Giulio Romano | Production date 1518
print Title Evangelists | Museum number 1862,1213.46 | Producer name After:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Giulio Romano | Production date 1518-1520
print; ornament print Title Set of twenty ornament panels | Museum number 1873,0809.773 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoPublished by:Antonio Salamanca | Production date 1530-1535
print; ornament print Museum number 1873,0809.756 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1530-1535
print; ornament print Title Twelve antique vases in bronze and marble | Museum number 1874,0808.249 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1531
print Title The fable of Cupid and Psyche | Museum number L,67.7 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Michiel Coxie I | Production date 1520-1535
print Museum number 1868,0808.3195 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1534
print; ornament print Title Capitals, bases and entablatures of the three orders of architecture | Museum number 1869,0410.214 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Sebastiano Serlio | Production date 1528
print; ornament print Title Capitals, bases and entablatures of the three orders of architecture | Museum number 1869,0410.213 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Sebastiano Serlio | Production date 1528
print Museum number 1874,0613.675 | Producer name BIOG16948 Attributed to:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1513-1536
print Museum number 1986,U.14 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1517
print Title The fable of Cupid and Psyche | Museum number M,44.15 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Michiel Coxie I | Production date 1510-1530 | Production place Published in:Rome (city)
print Museum number 1927,1008.396 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1536
print Museum number 1951,0407.77 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1528
print; ornament print Title Set of twenty ornament panels | Museum number 1873,0809.770 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoPublished by:Antonio Salamanca | Production date 1530-1535
print; ornament print Title Set of twenty ornament panels | Museum number 1869,0410.236 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoPublished by:Antonio Salamanca | Production date 1530-1535
print Museum number 1868,1212.2 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1510-1527
print; ornament print Title Set of twenty ornament panels | Museum number 1873,0809.774 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoPublished by:Antonio Salamanca | Production date 1530-1535
print Museum number H,1.30 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Marcantonio | Production date 1515-1527
print Museum number 2006,U.419 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1523
print Museum number 1872,0113.394 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1517
print Museum number H,2.70.+ | Producer name BIOG16948 After:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1515-1520
print Museum number 1883,1110.487 | Producer name Print made by:Barthel BehamPrint made by:Sebald Beham | Production date 1525-1550
print Museum number 1871,1209.3462 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1510-1530
print Title Cleopatra | Museum number 1852,1211.131 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Barthel Beham | Production date 1524
print Museum number 1861,0810.128 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1510-1530
print; ornament print Title Set of twenty ornament panels | Museum number 1873,0809.765 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoPublished by:Antonio Salamanca | Production date 1530-1535
print Museum number 1853,0709.80 | Producer name Print made by:Barthel BehamPrint made by:Sebald Beham | Production date 1525-1550
print Museum number H,7.34 | Producer name After:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Michelangelo | Production date 1524
print Museum number 1922,0610.11 | Producer name BIOG16948 Attributed to:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1510-1530
print; ornament print Title Twelve antique vases in bronze and marble | Museum number 1849,0210.300 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1530
print Museum number 1873,0809.735 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1510-1520
print Museum number H,7.28 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1528
print; ornament print Museum number 1873,0809.754 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1530-1535
print Museum number 1840,0808.3 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1515-1530
print Museum number 1890,0415.6 | Producer name After:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Michelangelo | Production date 1524
print Museum number Ii,16.2 | Producer name Attributed to:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Marcantonio | Production date 1515-1530
print Museum number SL,5238.62 | Producer name Attributed to:Agostino VenezianoPublished by:Antonio Salamanca | Production date 1515-1550
print; ornament print Title Set of twenty ornament panels | Museum number 1873,0809.769 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoPublished by:Antonio Salamanca | Production date 1530-1535
print Museum number V,2.136 | Producer name After:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Baccio Bandinelli | Production date 1531
print Museum number H,7.12 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Albrecht Dürer | Production date 1514
print Museum number 1863,0725.1742 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1533
print; ornament print Title Twelve antique vases in bronze and marble | Museum number 1874,0808.2346 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoSchool of/style of:Antonio Salamanca | Production date 1530
print Museum number 1873,0809.741 | Producer name BIOG16948 After:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1528-1535
print Museum number 1873,0809.750 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1515-1530
print Museum number W,9.17 | Producer name After:Giulio CampagnolaPrint made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1500-1515
print Museum number 1855,0609.21 | Producer name BIOG16948 Attributed to:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1510-1530
print Title The fable of Cupid and Psyche | Museum number L,67.13 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Michiel Coxie I | Production date 1520-1535
print Museum number H,1.23 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Raphael | Production date 1519
print Museum number H,3.79 | Producer name BIOG16948 Print made by:Agostino Veneziano | Production date 1515-1530
print Museum number H,7.23 | Producer name Print made by:Agostino VenezianoAfter:Raphael | Production date 1516