drawing Museum number Cc,2.18 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1725-1837
drawing; album Museum number 1983,0625.69 | Producer name Drawn by:Ronald SearleAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1973-1983
drawing Museum number Cc,1.46 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1725-1837
drawing Museum number Cc,2.238 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 18thC(late)
drawing Museum number Cc,2.218 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1723-1837
drawing; print study Title Sigismunda | Museum number 1910,1013.16 | Producer name Drawn by:Edward EdwardsAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1764
drawing Title St Marys Chappel | Museum number Cc,1.265 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1730-1837
drawing Title Musick Introduc'd to Apollo by Minerva | Museum number Cc,1.88 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1727-1837
drawing Museum number Cc,3.117 | Producer name After:William HogarthAfter:Joseph Sympson I | Production date 1725-1837
drawing Museum number Cc,2.22 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1725-1837
drawing Museum number Cc,2.20 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1725-1837
drawing Museum number Cc,2.24 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1725-1837
drawing Museum number Cc,2.26 | Producer name After:William HogarthAfter:Joseph Sympson II | Production date 1790-1837
drawing Title The Discovery Qui Color albus erat, nunc est contrarius albus | Museum number Cc,2.258 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1788-1810
drawing; print study Title Satire on False Perspective The Absurdity of False Perspective | Museum number Cc,2.179 | Producer name After:William HogarthDrawn by:Samuel Ireland | Production date 1794
drawing Museum number Cc,2.219 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1723-1837
drawing Title Frontis-piss. | Museum number Cc,2.255 | Producer name After:François Morellon de la CaveAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1763-1837
drawing Title Masquerade Ticket | Museum number Cc,2.80 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1727-1837
drawing Title Masquerade Ticket | Museum number Cc,2.79 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1727-1837
drawing Title Musick Introduc'd to Apollo by Minerva | Museum number Cc,1.87 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1727-1837
drawing Museum number Cc,2.224 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1725-1837
drawing Museum number Cc,2.263 | Producer name After:Joseph Sympson IIAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1750-1837
photographic print; satirical print Title A Representation of the March of the Guards towards Scotland, in the Year 1745 | Museum number 1931,0117.11 | Producer name After:William HogarthPhotographed by:Henry Dixon & Son | Production date 1900-1931
photographic print Museum number 1933,0228.1 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1728-1850
print; trade-card Museum number Heal,40.65 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Thomas Cook | Production date 1807
print; satirical print Title The Citizen and Family | Museum number 2010,7081.1694 | Producer name Print made by:AnonymousAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1760s-1780s
print Title Simon Lord Lovat | Museum number Cc,2.142 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1746-1800
print; satirical print; newspaper/periodical Title Marriage A-la-Mode, Plate I Marriage A-la-Mode | Museum number 1857,0214.235 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Henry White | Production date 1850
print; satirical print Title Her arrival in London A Harlot's Progress | Museum number Cc,2.93 | Producer name Print made by:Elisha KirkallAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1732
print; trade-card Museum number Heal,40.64 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Thomas Cook | Production date 1807
print Museum number 1982,U.1645 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1800-1840
print Title Sarah Malcolm | Museum number 1851,0308.436 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1732-1740
print Title The Lady's last Stake; or Picquet, or Virtue in Danger | Museum number S,2.160 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Thomas Cheesman | Production date 1825
print; satirical print Title In a high Salivation A Harlot's Progress | Museum number Cc,2.96 | Producer name Print made by:Elisha KirkallAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1732
print; book-illustration Title Lady Pembroke. | Museum number Cc,3.72 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Thomas Ryder I | Production date 1799
print Museum number 1868,0822.2539 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1800-1840
print Title Sarah Malcolm | Museum number Cc,1.112 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1732-1740
print; newspaper/periodical Title Gulielmus Hogarth | Museum number Cc,3.34 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1750-1800
print; satirical print Title Her Funeral A Harlot's Progress | Museum number Cc,2.97 | Producer name Print made by:Elisha KirkallAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1732
print; satirical print Title Her Funeral A Harlot's Progress | Museum number Cc,3.203 | Producer name Print made by:Elisha KirkallAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1732
print; book-illustration Title Sleeping Shepherd | Museum number 1858,0417.489 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Samuel Ireland | Production date 1799
print; satirical print; book-illustration Title Hudibras (small illustrations) | Museum number Cc,1.72 | Producer name BIOG31785 Print made by:William Hogarth | Production date 1721-1726
print Title Pisces, One of the Signs in the Zodiac | Museum number Cc,3.30 | Producer name After:William HogarthPublished by:Josiah Boydell | Production date 1773-1804
print; satirical print Title The Idle 'Prentice at Play in the Church Yard, dur Industry and Idleness | Museum number 1991,0126.39.3 | Producer name Print made by:William HogarthPrinted by:Bartolomeu Dos Santos | Production date 1747 1990
print; trade-card Museum number Cc,3.33 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1749-1789
print; satirical print Title John Wilkes Esqr | Museum number 1855,1208.287 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1763-1800
print; book-illustration Title Examining a watch Characters who frequented Button's Coffee house ab | Museum number K,57.56 | Producer name Print made by:Samuel IrelandAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1786
print; book-illustration Museum number 1868,0822.1637 | Producer name BIOG31785 Print made by:William Hogarth | Production date 1726
print Title The Right Honble,, Henry Fox, Lord Holland. | Museum number 1857,0214.270 | Producer name Print made by:Joseph HaynesAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1782
print Title A Landscape | Museum number 1875,0213.354 | Producer name Print made by:Samuel IrelandAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1786
print; frontispiece Museum number Cc,1.104 | Producer name Print made by:John van der GuchtAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1732
print Title The Most Reverend Father in God Dr,, Thomas Herring [...] | Museum number Cc,1.135 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Bernard Baron | Production date 1750
print Title Huggins | Museum number 1877,1013.1191 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Thomas Major | Production date 1760
print; satirical print Title A Harlot's Progress, Plate 5 A Harlot's Progress | Museum number 1872,1214.330 | Producer name After:William HogarthPublished by:John Bowles | Production date 1732
print Title A waiter and a hungry customer Characters who frequented Button's Coffee house ab | Museum number 1875,0213.360 | Producer name Print made by:Samuel IrelandAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1786
print; frontispiece; satirical print Museum number Cc,1.164 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Charles Grignion | Production date 1761
print; satirical print Title Sancho at the Magnificent Feast... Sancho at the Feast Starved by His Physician | Museum number 1900,1231.5458 | Producer name Print made by:Thomas CookAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1808
print Museum number Cc,1.132 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Charles Mosley | Production date 1745
print; satirical print; book-illustration Museum number 1851,1213.49 | Producer name Print made by:Ernst Ludwig RiepenhausenAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1790-1795 | Production place Published in:Göttingen (Lower Saxony)
print; satirical print; book-illustration Title Sancho at the Magnificent Feast... Sancho in his government | Museum number Cc,2.252 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Rosenburg | Production date 1799
print; admission-ticket Museum number 1868,0822.1632 | Producer name BIOG31785 Print made by:William Hogarth | Production date 1721-1736
print; frontispiece Museum number 1858,0417.523 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Gerard van der Gucht | Production date 1733
print; satirical print Title Morning The Four Times of Day | Museum number 1841,0809.234 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Francis Sykes | Production date 1730
print; frontispiece Museum number Cc,1.39 | Producer name BIOG31785 Print made by:William Hogarth | Production date 1725
print; book-illustration Title Facsimile of the proportions of Garrick and Quin | Museum number Ee,3.64 | Producer name Print made by:Thomas CookAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1808
print; satirical print Title The Farmer's Return. | Museum number 1868,0822.1623 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1762-1837
print; frontispiece; satirical print Museum number 1841,0809.233 | Producer name After:William HogarthAttributed to:Luke Sullivan | Production date 1763
print; satirical print; book-illustration Museum number 1851,1213.37 | Producer name Print made by:Ernst Ludwig RiepenhausenAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1787 | Production place Published in:Göttingen (Lower Saxony)
print; satirical print Title A Rake's Progress, Plate 1 A Rake's Progress | Museum number 1942,0929.3 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1735-1785
print; book-illustration Title The several postures of ye salute wth. ye half-pike... | Museum number Cc,1.67 | Producer name BIOG31785 Print made by:William Hogarth | Production date 1726
print Title A waiter and a hungry customer Characters who frequented Button's Coffee house ab | Museum number 1858,0417.517 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Samuel Ireland | Production date 1786
print; satirical print Title Jack in an Office or Peter Necessary with Choice of Chamber pots | Museum number 1875,0213.368 | Producer name Print made by:Samuel IrelandAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1790s
print; book-illustration Title Falstaff examining his recruits | Museum number 1858,0417.488 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Thomas Ryder I | Production date 1799
print Title Solsull | Museum number 1875,0213.358 | Producer name Print made by:Samuel IrelandAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1781
print; book-illustration Museum number Cc,1.51 | Producer name BIOG31785 Print made by:William Hogarth | Production date 1725
print; satirical print; book-illustration Museum number 1851,1213.30 | Producer name Print made by:Ernst Ludwig RiepenhausenAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1790-1795 | Production place Published in:Göttingen (Lower Saxony)
print; book-illustration Museum number Cc,1.8 | Producer name Print made by:William HogarthAfter:Jean Baptiste Vanmour | Production date 1723-1724
print; satirical print Title The Happy Marriage, Plate III The Happy Marriage | Museum number 1858,0417.522 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 18thC(late)
print; admission-ticket Museum number 1858,0417.590 | Producer name BIOG31785 Print made by:William Hogarth | Production date 1721-1736
print Title The Right Hon,,ble Ja,,s Caulfield Earl of Charlemont of the Kingdom of Ireland Head of the Voluntee | Museum number Cc,3.191 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Joseph Haynes | Production date 1782
print; book-illustration Museum number K,65.7 | Producer name Print made by:Samuel IrelandAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1794-1799
print; satirical print; admission-ticket Title Masquerade Ticket | Museum number Cc,1.89 | Producer name BIOG31785 Print made by:William Hogarth | Production date 1727
print; satirical print Title Sancho at the Magnificent Feast... Sancho at the Feast Starved by His Physician | Museum number 1900,1231.5459 | Producer name Print made by:Thomas CookAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1808
print; satirical print; book-illustration Title Hudibras (small illustrations) | Museum number Cc,1.76 | Producer name BIOG31785 Print made by:William Hogarth | Production date 1721-1726
print; satirical print Title A Midnight Modern Conversation | Museum number Cc,2.104 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Richard Cooper II | Production date 1734-1814
print; satirical print Title Parson's Head The Happy Marriage | Museum number Cc,1.203 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Richard Livesay | Production date 1788
print; satirical print Title The Happy Marriage, Plate III The Happy Marriage | Museum number Cc,3.58 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:William James Smith | Production date 1820s
print; book-illustration Museum number K,65.6 | Producer name Print made by:Samuel IrelandAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1794-1799
print; satirical print; book-illustration Title Satire on False Perspective Frontispiece to Kerby | Museum number Cc,2.177 | Producer name After:William HogarthAfter:Luke Sullivan | Production date 1808
print Title Ellis Gamble's Shop Card | Museum number Cc,2.227 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1750-1837
print; satirical print Title A Harlot's Progress, Plate 2 A Harlot's Progress | Museum number 1868,0822.1520 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1732-1868
print; satirical print Museum number 1868,1114.466 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:James Heath | Production date 1772-1834
print Museum number Cc,1.3 | Producer name BIOG31785 After:William Hogarth | Production date 1790-1837
print; satirical print; book-illustration Museum number 1851,1213.31 | Producer name Print made by:Ernst Ludwig RiepenhausenAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1790-1795 | Production place Published in:Göttingen (Lower Saxony)
print; satirical print; book-illustration Title Satire on False Perspective | Museum number 1982,U.4002 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Louis Lecoeur | Production date 1799
print; satirical print; book-illustration Title A Rake's Progress, Plate 2 First Design for the Rakes progress | Museum number Cc,3.75 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Jane Ireland | Production date 1799
print; satirical print Title The Sleepy Congragation The Sleeping Congregation | Museum number 1868,0808.12377 | Producer name After:William HogarthPrint made by:Charles Spooner | Production date 1735-1767
print; satirical print; book-illustration Museum number 1851,1213.39 | Producer name Print made by:Ernst Ludwig RiepenhausenAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1789 | Production place Published in:Göttingen (Lower Saxony)
print; satirical print; book-illustration Museum number 1851,1213.40 | Producer name Print made by:Ernst Ludwig RiepenhausenAfter:William Hogarth | Production date 1789 | Production place Published in:Göttingen (Lower Saxony)
print; trade-card Museum number 1858,0417.585 | Producer name BIOG31785 Formerly attributed to:William Hogarth | Production date mid 18thc