calligraphy Museum number 1881,1210,0.2492.a | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
drawing; handscroll Museum number 1984,0609,0.1.1-36 | Producer name BIOG11302 Painted by:Kano Isen'in Naganobu 狩野伊川院栄信 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 19thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
handscroll; painting Museum number 1913,0501,0.208 | Producer name BIOG6517 Painted by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC(mid) | Production place Painted in:Japan
handscroll; painting Museum number 1981,0408,0.1-2 | Producer name BIOG401 Painted by:Kawamura Bunpo 河村文鳳 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 19thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
handscroll; painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.562 | Producer name Claimed to be by:Miyagawa Choki 宮川長亀School of/style of:Toba Sojo 鳥羽僧正 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 18thC | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2491.a | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll; shunga Museum number 1980,0325,0.4 | Producer name BIOG5970 Attributed to:Katsukawa Shun'ei 勝川春英 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1800 | Production place Made in:Edo (historic)
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2468 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2454 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1985,1114,0.1 | Producer name Painted by:Shibata Gitō 柴田義董After:Go Shun 呉春 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 18thC(late)-19thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1946,0209,0.55 | Producer name BIOG3128 Painted by:Ueda Kocho 上田公長 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date Mid 19thC | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; calligraphy; album Museum number 1973,0226,0.106 | Producer name Calligrapher:Kameda Bosai 亀田鵬斎Painted by:Katagiri Toin 片桐桐隠 | Cultures/periods x13719 Bunka Era | Production date 1817 | Production place Made in:Edo (historic)
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2472 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1978,0522,0.1 | Producer name Painted by:Tsubaki Chinzan 椿椿山Manner/Style of:Chen Chun 陳淳 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 19thC | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1979,0723,0.10 | Producer name BIOG6517 Painted by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14061 Kanbun Era | Production date 1666 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Sumiyoshi monogatari 住吉物語 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.264 | Producer name BIOG4182 After:Tosa Nagataka 土佐長隆 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC-18thC | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2463 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Un'en 雲烟 | Museum number 1980,0728,0.2 | Producer name BIOG4313 Painted by:Haruki Nanko 春木南湖 | Cultures/periods x13725 Bunsei Era | Production date 1826 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Title Shotoku taishi eden 聖徳太子絵伝 | Museum number 1931,1116,0.1.1 | Cultures/periods x14278 Muromachi Period | Production date 16thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1980,0225,0.4 | Producer name Painted by:Tani Buncho 谷文晁After:Qiu Ying 仇英 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 18thC(late) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2481 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Title Azuma-kudari: Utsu-no-yama 東下り・宇津の山 Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.332 | Producer name BIOG2363 Painted by:Sumiyoshi Jokei 住吉如慶 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 1662-1670 | Production place Painted in:Edo (historic)
painting; handscroll Title Genji monogatari 源氏物語 | Museum number 1949,1008,0.14.2 | Producer name BIOG5102 Painted by:Kano Ryusetsu Hidenobu 狩野柳雪秀信 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC(late)-18thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Title Azuma-kudari: Fuji-no-yama 東下り・富士の山 Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.333 | Producer name BIOG2363 Painted by:Sumiyoshi Jokei 住吉如慶 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 1662-1670 | Production place Painted in:Edo (historic)
painting; handscroll Title Sumida-gawa choryu zukan 隅田川長流図巻 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.1436 | Producer name BIOG3508 Painted by:Kano Kyuei 狩野休栄 | Cultures/periods Horeki EraMeiwa Era | Production date 1750-1772 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1920,0514,0.16.5 | Producer name BIOG3921 Formerly attributed to:Tosa Mitsuoki 土佐光起 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC(late) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2456 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1902,0606,0.28 | Producer name BIOG2542 Painted by:Nishiyama Kan'ei 西山完瑛 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 1854-1868 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2471 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2492 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2478 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Shijuni no mono arasoi 四十二の物争い | Museum number 1960,0409,0.3 | Producer name BIOG6835 Formerly attributed to:Tosa Mitsunobu 土佐光信 | Cultures/periods x14278 Muromachi Period | Production date 16thC(late) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Saigyo monogatari emaki 西行物語絵巻 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.267 | Producer name Attributed to:Tosa Yoshimitsu 土佐吉光Calligrapher:Reizei Tametsuna 冷泉為綱 | Cultures/periods Edo PeriodKamakura Period | Production date 18thC 13thC | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Title Nishi no tai 西の対 Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.329 | Producer name BIOG2363 Painted by:Sumiyoshi Jokei 住吉如慶 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 1662-1670 | Production place Painted in:Edo (historic)
painting; album Title Sansui gacho 山水画帖 | Museum number 1945,1101,0.55 | Producer name BIOG11302 Painted by:Kano Isen'in Naganobu 狩野伊川院栄信 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 19thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Sumida-gawa choryu zukan 隅田川長流図巻 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.1435 | Producer name BIOG3508 Painted by:Kano Kyuei 狩野休栄 | Cultures/periods Horeki EraMeiwa Era | Production date 1750-1772 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2462 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2476 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1881,1210,0.2366 | Producer name BIOG1117 Painted by:Gen Ki 源琦 | Cultures/periods x13599 An'ei Era | Production date 1778 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; album Title Shaka no honji 釈迦の本地 | Museum number 1914,0528,0.7.1-5 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC-18thC | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1920,0514,0.16.4 | Producer name BIOG3921 Formerly attributed to:Tosa Mitsuoki 土佐光起 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC(late) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll; calligraphy Museum number 1957,0413,0.20 | Producer name Formerly attributed to:Kano Sanraku 狩野山楽Calligrapher:Konoe Fumihiro | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC | Production place Made in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2451 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1881,1210,0.1226 | Producer name Painted by:Kano Seisen'in Osanobu 狩野晴川院養信After:Kano Eisen Hisanobu 狩野栄川古信 | Cultures/periods x13719 Bunka Era | Production date 1810 1725 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Title Shotoku taishi eden 聖徳太子絵伝 | Museum number 1931,1116,0.1.3 | Cultures/periods x14278 Muromachi Period | Production date 16thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2486 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2477 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1902,0606,0.12 | Producer name BIOG501 Painted by:Kano Josen Chikanobu 狩野如川周信 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC(late)-18thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Sohitsu gafu 草筆画譜 | Museum number 1973,0723,0.1 | Producer name BIOG3050 Painted by:Kobayashi Kiyochika 小林清親 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 19thC(late) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; album Museum number 1982,0628,0.1 | Producer name BIOG2071 Painted by:Ukita Ikkei 浮田一蕙 | Cultures/periods x13602 Ansei Era | Production date 1857 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Sumiyoshi monogatari 住吉物語 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.266 | Producer name BIOG4182 After:Tosa Nagataka 土佐長隆 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC-18thC | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1913,0501,0.536 | Producer name Painted by:Asai Tonan 浅井圖南After:Onishi Chinnen 大西椿年 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 19thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2470 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Shaka no honji 釈迦の本地 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.277 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC(late) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Shaka no honji 釈迦の本地 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.278 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC(late) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2461 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1923,1114,0.2.2 | Producer name BIOG4068 Attributed to the Workshop of:Hishikawa Moronobu 菱川師宣 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 1660-1682 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2491 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Chushingura emaki 忠臣蔵畫巻 | Museum number 1982,0701,0.7 | Producer name BIOG2313 Painted by:Nichosai 耳鳥斎 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 18thC(late)-19thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Title Shotoku taishi eden 聖徳太子絵伝 | Museum number 1931,1116,0.1.6 | Cultures/periods x14278 Muromachi Period | Production date 16thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1881,1210,0.2361 | Producer name Inscription by:Kawai Shijun 井田忠順School of/style of:Tani Buncho 谷文晁 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1798 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Title Kawachi-goe 河内越 Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.328 | Producer name BIOG2363 Painted by:Sumiyoshi Jokei 住吉如慶 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 1662-1670 | Production place Painted in:Edo (historic)
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2466 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1920,0514,0.16.1 | Producer name BIOG3921 Formerly attributed to:Tosa Mitsuoki 土佐光起 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC(late) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1920,0514,0.16.3 | Producer name BIOG3921 Formerly attributed to:Tosa Mitsuoki 土佐光起 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC(late) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2450 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Ibuki-doji emaki 伊吹童子絵巻 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.269 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC(late)-18thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2489 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1982,0701,0.14 | Producer name BIOG7706 Painted by:Shibata Zeshin 柴田是眞 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 1848 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Ibuki-doji emaki 伊吹童子絵巻 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.271 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC(late)-18thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1920,0514,0.16.2 | Producer name BIOG3921 Formerly attributed to:Tosa Mitsuoki 土佐光起 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC(late) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2457 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Ibuki-doji emaki 伊吹童子絵巻 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.270 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC(late)-18thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2448 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1950,1111,0.21.1 | Producer name Attributed to a Follower of:Sumiyoshi Gukei 住吉具慶Formerly attributed to:Hanabusa Itcho 英一蝶 | Cultures/periods x14132 Kyoho Era | Production date 1716-1736 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2453 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Title Tsutsu izutsu 筒井筒 Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.327 | Producer name BIOG2363 Painted by:Sumiyoshi Jokei 住吉如慶 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 1662-1670 | Production place Painted in:Edo (historic)
painting; screen Museum number 1913,0501,0.369.1-2 | Producer name Attributed to:Miyagawa Choshun 宮川長春Formerly attributed to:Hishikawa Moronobu 菱川師宣 | Cultures/periods Genroku EraHoei Era | Production date 1688-1716 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2464 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1977,0509,0.1 | Producer name BIOG6536 Painted by:Tani Buncho 谷文晁 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 19thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1950,1111,0.21.2 | Producer name Attributed to a Follower of:Sumiyoshi Gukei 住吉具慶Formerly attributed to:Hanabusa Itcho 英一蝶 | Cultures/periods x14132 Kyoho Era | Production date 1716-1736 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2488 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2474 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2465 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2490 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2480 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Title Otoroetaru-ie no fuji 衰えたる家の藤 Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.326 | Producer name BIOG2363 Painted by:Sumiyoshi Jokei 住吉如慶 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 1662-1670 | Production place Painted in:Edo (historic)
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2485 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2479 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2475 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Title Sumiyoshi monogatari 住吉物語 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.265 | Producer name BIOG4182 After:Tosa Nagataka 土佐長隆 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 17thC-18thC | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Title Uikoburi 初冠 Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.330 | Producer name BIOG2363 Painted by:Sumiyoshi Jokei 住吉如慶 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 1662-1670 | Production place Painted in:Edo (historic)
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2459 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting; handscroll Museum number 1979,0409,0.1 | Producer name BIOG1150 Painted by:Tanke Gessen 丹家月僊 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 18thC(late)-19thC(early) | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2473 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Title Azuma-kudari: Miyakodori 東下り・都鳥 Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.331 | Producer name BIOG2363 Painted by:Sumiyoshi Jokei 住吉如慶 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 1662-1670 | Production place Painted in:Edo (historic)
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2447 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Title Akutagawa 芥川 Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 | Museum number 1881,1210,0.334 | Producer name BIOG2363 Painted by:Sumiyoshi Jokei 住吉如慶 | Cultures/periods x13823 Edo Period | Production date 1662-1670 | Production place Painted in:Edo (historic)
painting; handscroll Museum number 1939,1014,0.2 | Producer name BIOG5159 Painted by:Hoen Taira Yoshiteru 芳園平吉輝 | Cultures/periods x14222 Meiji Era | Production date 1870s-80s | Production place Painted in:Japan
painting Museum number 1881,1210,0.2458 | Producer name Painted by:Noda Tomin 野田洞珉Designed by:Kano Tan'yu 狩野探幽 | Cultures/periods x14074 Kansei Era | Production date 1792 | Production place Painted in:Japan