- Museum number
- 1933,0405.7
- Description
Gold finger-ring; cast stepped pyramidal bezel forming a square collar for a pyramidal garnet inlay; bezel applied to an octagonal hoop of square section. Three granules across each shoulder between bezel and hoop.
- Production date
- 5thC-6thC(early)
- Dimensions
Height: 3.30 centimetres
Weight: 18.30 grammes
- Curator's comments
- Comment from Kidd, Haith & Ager ‘Summary Catalogue’ (draft MS)
Domagnano, San Marino, Italy (Bierbrauer 1973); previously said to be from Cesena, prov. Forlì, Italy; before c. 1930 said to have been found on Hungarian territory; nos. 1933,0405.1 to 11 found October, 1893, on property of Vito Serafini near farm-house `Lagucci'; either from a single grave (Lindenschmit 1898, p. 72), from graves in a cemetery, or from a hoard; the Milan dealer G. Sambon handled it; part was purchased by the Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum in 1895 from Adolf Roger of Budapest, where registered as Nr 6/1896,1 to 11 (MS letter from vendor, 28.11.1930), and sold when realised that it was not from Hungary.
Other material from the find was sold directly through David Reiling of Mainz; in the Germanisches National-museum, Nürnberg (Nuremburg), Inventory nos. FG 1240 and 1608 to 1613 (Menghin 1982); in the Metropolitan Museum, New York, no. 17.190.698-40139 (Kühn 1937) originally in the Baxter Collection; Museo Pinacoteca, San Marino, no number; Lauder Collection, New York, originally in the Béhague Collection.
Published (the group):
KÁRÁSZ L. 1896a. Aranykincs a Népvándorlás Korából, Archaeologiai Értesítő 16, Budapest, pp. 121-7, pls. 1-11
HAMPEL J. 1897. A Régibb Középkor (IV-X. Század) Emlékei Magyarhonban II. Budapest, pp. 310-3, pls. CCIII, CCIV
HAMPE T. 1899. Goldschmiedarbeiten im germanischen Museum, Mitteilungen aus dem Germanischen Nationalmuseum for 1899, Nuremberg, pp. 35-6, 44 note 11, pls. CCIII-IV
PRÄHISTORISCHE BLÄTTER, 1898, 5, pp. 57-8 (untraced reference)
LINDENSCHMIT 1898, p. 72 (untraced reference)
ÅBERG N. 1923. Die Goten und Langobarden in Italien, Vilhelm Ekmans Universitetsfond 29. Uppsala, p. 29
SMITH R.A. 1933. The Cesena Treasure, British Museum Quarterly VIII, no. 1, London, pp. 45-6 no. 43, pl. XIII
NACF REPORT. 1933. The Cesena Treasure, National Art-Collections Fund 30th Annual Report 1933, London, p. 30 no. 859
RUPP H. 1937. Die Herkunft der Zelleneinlage und die Almandin-Scheibenfibeln im Rheinland, Rheinische Forschungen zur Vorgeschichte II. Bonn, pp. 59-62, 68, pls. IX, X:3 and 4 (pl. XI:1-7 is wrongly included in the group)
KÜHN H. 1937. Ein Stück des Cesena-Fundes im Metropolitan-Museum in New York, Jahrbuch für Prähistorische und Ethnographische Kunst, 11, Berlin, pp. 141-2, pl. 27:1-4
WERNER J. 1939. Hertha Rupp, Die Herkunft der Zelleneinlage, etc. (review), Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen 201, Göttingen, p. 243
BULLOUGH G. 1965. Germanic Italy. The Ostrogothic and Lombard Kingdoms, in D. Talbot Rice (ed) The Dark Ages, London, p. 161, pl. 4
ARRHENIUS B. 1971. Granatschmuck und Gemmen aus nordischen Funden des frühen Mittelalters, Acta Universitatis Stockholmensis, Studies in North European Archaeology Series B. Stockholm, p. 237 no. BM 15
BIERBRAUER V. 1973. Die ostgotischen Funde von Domagnano, Republik San Marino (Italien), Germania 51 part 2, Berlin, pp. 499-523, map fig. 1, figs. 2, 4, pls. 36-8
BIERBRAUER V. 1975. Die Ostgotischen Grab- und Schatzfunde in Italien, Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, Studi Mediaevali VII. Spoleto, pp. 10, 118, 167, 207, 253 no. 8, 272-81 and figs.
MENGHIN, W. 1977. Il Materiale Gotico e Longobardo del Museo Nazionale Germanic di Norimberga proveniente dall’Italia. Florence, pp. 13-17, pls. 1, 2
BIERBRAUER V. 1979. Die Ostgoten in Italian, in H. Roth (ed) Kunst der Völkerwanderungszeit, Propyläen Kunstgeschichte Supplementband IV, Frankfurt, p. 162, pl. 75b
ARRHENIUS B. 1985. Merovingian Garnet Jewellery, emergence and social implications, Kunglig Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens. Stockholm, pp. 36, 130, 147, 150-2, 154, 208 no. BM 15 (reg. no. 1), figs. 152, 187 (reg. nos. 1 and 2), 191 (reg.nos. 3-5 and 11), map II:19
- Location
- On display (G41/dc18/sC)
- Exhibition history
2008 22 Aug-7 Dec, Germany, Bonn, Kunst and Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Rome and the Barbarians
2008 28 Jan-20 Jul, Italy, Venice, Palazzo Grassi, Rome and the Barbarians
1995 1 Jun-5 Sep, Republic of San Marino, National Museum (Palazzo Pergami Belluzzi), The Goths in San Marino - the Treasure of Domagnano
1993 30 Nov-1994 24 Apr, Italy, Milan, Royal Palace of Milan, I Goti
1988 12 Mar-15 May, Germany, Frankfurt, Kunsthalle Shirn Am Römerberg, Germanen, Hunnen und Avaren
1987 12 Dec-1988 21 Feb, Germany, Nuremberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Germanen, Hunnen und Avaren
- Condition
- Garnet loose in its setting.
- Acquisition date
- 1933
- Acquisition notes
- 1893
- Department
- Britain, Europe and Prehistory
- Registration number
- 1933,0405.7