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Carved marble block from the West side of the continuous frieze of the temple of Apollo Epikourios at Bassai. The West and North frieze show the battle between Centaurs and Lapiths at the marriage-feast of Peirithoos. This block shows two Centaurs using a mighty stone to beat Kaineus into the earth. Kaineus, between them, is half-buried in the ground and holds his shield above his head. He probably held a sword in his right hand. Both Centaurs wear feline’s skins. On the right a Lapith, armed with shield and helmet, grasps the nearest Centaur by the hair. A woman, at the far right, moves to the right, holding her floating mantle with both hands. Metal attachments were inserted in drill-holes. The block consists of several fragments that are in the British Museum and a plaster cast, the middle left side that shows the tail of a Centaur, which original is in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens ( NM 4765).
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