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Pottery: black-figured amphora. On the neck, double honeysuckle. Under the handles, a pattern of spirals. Below the designs, maeander and lotus-buds. (a) Achilles and Ajax playing with pessi: On the right is Achilles seated on a block to left, bearded, with long tresses and short curls in front, high-crested helmet (raised), short embroidered chiton, striped himation, and greaves with volutes, right hand extended, in left two spears; behind him a Boeotian shield with device of a tripod; above is inscribed: ??????S. On the left is Ajax seated facing him, bearded, with short curly hair, high-crested helmet (raised), cuirass, short diapered chiton, striped chlamys, and greaves with volutes; in left hand two spears, with right he is about to move one of the pessi, of which seven are visible, on a table between them. Behind him is a Boeotian shield with two pellets; above: AIAS. Between them is inscribed: ??s?pp?d?? ?a???. (b) Heracles conducted to Olympos: A quadriga to right, in which are Athene, with long tresses, lofty helmet with cheek-pieces and fillet, aegis with scales and fringe of snakes, long chiton and diapered over-chiton spear in right hand, and reins in both, and Heracles, bearded, with hair curly in front and striped himation, carrying club. At the further side of the horses are Dionysos looking back, with long beard and hair, ivy-wreath, long chiton and himation with border of spirals, in right hand a vine-branch, in left a cantharos, and further to the right Apollo, beardless, with long hair arranged in spirals in front, laurel-wreath, long striped chiton and embroidered himation, playing on the chelys. At the horses' heads stands Hermes to left, bearded, with long tresses and curls in front, short chiton, striped himation, petasos, endromides, and caduceus.
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