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Pottery hydria with scene of armed warriors. Design in black on a red panel, with white accessories and incised lines. Round the rim inside are large ivy-leaves with tendrils, and outside, smaller ones, touched up with white. The handle has three ribs. Combat of four warriors, three fully armed: The warrior on the left has a linen cuirass and shield with projecting wings, and is about to strike with his sword one of his opponents, represented on a much smaller scale, who has sprung up into the air, spear in hand, against his shield; a bird is also standing on the shield. Behind on the right stands his other opponent, who is bearded, with linen cuirass and spear; on the boss of his shield is a Satyric mask in relief. The fourth warrior is fallen back to right, and a bird appears to be pecking at his face. He wears a sheathed sword on a baldric. In the field are ivy-branches.
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