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Complete pack of 52 playing cards depicting various mathematical and scientific instruments; the cards are illustrated with instruments, or trades and sciences relevant to instruments, with description below; in the top right hand corner a miniature playing card indicates suit and value; plain backs. 1700 The cards are titled as follows: Hearts: Ace: 'Mathematick' 2: 'Croß-staffe' 3: 'Plows & Bows' 4: 'Sea Quadrant' 5: 'Coue' 6: 'Miner' 7: 'Bow' 8: 'Mill-wright' 9: 'Scales' 10: 'Compaßes' Knave: 'Surveying Wheel & Chains' Queen: 'Shipp' King: 'Fortification & Gunnery' Spades: Ace: 'Bookes & Instrum.ts for Navigation' 2: 'Charts' 3: 'Tryangular Quadrant' 4: 'Quadrant' 5: 'Platonicke Bodys' 6: 'Carpentor' 7: 'Magnet or Loadstone' 8: 'Gardner' 9: 'Pocket Cases' 10: 'Tellescope' Knave: 'Leavell' Queen: 'Astronomical Quadrant' King: 'Spheres' Diamonds: Ace: 'Mathematical Instruments' 2: 'Imperial and Plain Table' 3: 'Gauger' 4: 'Almanacke' 5: 'Architect' 6: 'Circumferentor' 7: 'Shipwright' 8: 'the Compaß' 9: 'Dyals' 10: 'Bricklayer' Knave: 'Parallellogram' Queen: 'Projections of the Sphere' King: 'Globes' Clubs: Ace: 'Dyaling Globe' 2: 'Theodolet & Semi Circle' 3: 'Protractor' 4: 'Sinical Quadrant' 5: 'Thermometre' 6: 'Barometre' 7: 'Noctournal' 8: 'Stone carver' 9: 'Glasier' 10: 'Sector & Scales' Knave: 'Painter Pavior Turner Smith' Queen: 'Drawing Table' King: 'Building' Engraving
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