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Pottery: red-figured hydria (water-jar). Judgment of Paris. On the right Paris, a beardless youth with long hair, a fringe of wavy locks around his forehead, a fillet, and an himation, is seated on Mount Ida playing on the chelys; at the foot of the mountain a ram is drawn in outline, standing to the right; its wool is indicated by <-shaped marks. To him the three goddesses advance in single file: first comes Hera in a bordered chiton with long sleeves and v-shaped marks, an himation, a saccos with flap beside the ear, and earrings; on her right arm her sceptre, surmounted with a honeysuckle flower, and in her left the Golden Apple of Discord. Next comes Athene, in long chiton, mantle hanging in pteryges, aegis dotted and bordered, with a fringe of snakes, a fillet, hair passed through a circular object, and earrings; on her right she carries her spear; her left is hidden behind the back of Hera. She turns her head to look at Aphrodite, who wears a long chiton, a mantle which covers her arms and the back of her head, and a dotted fillet. Each of the goddesses has a wavy loop of hair brought forward over the temples. Later stage of severe style; characteristic features are the full, nearly semicircular chin, the pouting lips, and the eye sloping downward towards the outer angle. Purple (nearly white) tuning-pegs of lyre. Brown wavy lines for hair against face, for markings of rock, and entire drawing of sheep. On the left the vase has received a large semicircular crack, which has been (anciently?) painted over with a thin line of purple. The design curves up over the shoulder. Above and below it, strips of pairs of maeander separated by red cross squares. Around the lip, egg pattern.
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