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Anti slave-trade broadside with three cross-sections and four plans of a slave ship (based on the 'Brooks' or 'Brookes' of Liverpool) showing how African slaves were transported across the Atlantic in etching and aquatint, and on the right letterpress in two columns giving a description with reference to the numbering of the diagrams on the left side of the sheet of the dimension of the ship, the number of slaves actually carried according to the testimony of Captain Parry (609 in total), the different space given to men, women, boys and girls, how the slaves are distributed and the discrepancy between the admitted numbers of slaves carried and the actual one (with hand written corrections to several of the numbers), the inhuman space and conditions of the stowage, the chaining of the male slaves, the regime of exercise (the so-called 'dancing'), the disposition of storage and the housing of the crew caused by the overcrowding and the ill effects that has on the sailors, the length of … (See Merlin record for full description)
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