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Statuette of the Virgin Mary with the dead Christ, made of tin-glazed ceramic. Figure of the Pietà, with the Virgin supporting the dead Christ on her knees, and holding his hand. Modelled in tin-glazed earthenware [maiolica] and painted. The figure group is sculpted in the round, with the Virgin seated on a block, her mantle falling in heavy folds around her feet. One foot projects out into the viewer’s space. She is tenderly holding Christ’s hand; his other hand trails to the ground. The Virgin has an original fired hole in her breast, perhaps intended to hold a jewel to heighten her devotional appeal. Her robe is painted in yellow with antimony orange highlights, while her mantle, which folds around her head and arms, over on knee to the ground, is painted manganese purple-brown with a greenish copper lining and yellow edging to accentuate the draperies. The base supporting the figure group has a projecting cornice painted in yellow and a matching yellow base; the front of the bas… (See Merlin record for full description)
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