Asset number
Red figured pottery nestoris with two rows of scenes on both sides depicting,
A1: The coming of Paris to Helen: in the centre is Paris facing to the right with a spear in his left hand and his right hand extended to a female attendant of Helen 's who confronts him, on the right is Helen seated facing to the left on a four legged stool and a large bordered veil over her head, behind her is a female attendant holding a parasol over her, on the left is Aeneas ? on horseback facing to the right with a spear or staff in his left hand;
A2: Helen brought to Priam: on the left is Priam seated on a four legged stool towards the right and with a sceptre in his right hand, facing him is Paris with a spear in his left and he extends his right hand to Priam as if introducing Helen who stands behind him, Helen extends her left hand, on the right is a youth facing to the left with a spear in his left hand; noted in the catalogue that others have interpreted this scene as representing Antigo… (See Merlin record for full description)
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