Asset number
Pottery: red-figured hydria.
(1) Menelaos pursuing Helen. Menelaos, a bearded warrior with cuirass, helmet with raised cheek-pieces, and himation, pursues to right with drawn sword and outstretched left arm Helen, who with left on bosom turns as she flees, extending her right towards him with a gesture of supplication. She wears a Doric chiton with border of zigzags and a row of dots near each edge, and apoptygma, undertied, an himation over her shoulders, earrings and sphendone: her hair hangs down her back. On right a woman in long sleeved chiton, mantle and earrings, and head-dress like that of Helen, moves to left, extending both arms as if to protect Helen. In the field above Helen, καλή. On left of her, ό παις; on right of the woman, KAΛΟΣ, καλός.
(2) On shoulder: Symposion. Three wreathed figures wearing himation covering the legs and left shoulder recline to left, leaning each against a folded striped cushion. The one on right is bearded, and looks to right, extendin… (See Merlin record for full description)
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