Asset number
Pottery: White-ground lekythos (oil-flask).
Offerings at a tomb. In the centre is a broad shaft on a double plinth, surmounted by a double moulding, from the centre of which rises a small tapering stele with a triangular top. Both shaft and stele are encircled with taeniae. On the right of the stele, resting on the shaft, are a large prothesis-vase and an alabastron; on the left an alabastron, beside which hangs in the background a strigil. On each side hangs from the upper border a festooned taenia. In the foreground on the upper plinth is seated to right a woman with arms folded (representing the deceased), looking round to left; she wears a long chiton, himation around her legs, sandals, and a necklace of beads. On right a woman in a long chiton advances, holding in her left a basket containing taeniae, and with her right places on the upper plinth a large lekythos which she holds by the lip. On left, a figure, the drawing of whose body is almost entirely worn away, is seated … (See Merlin record for full description)
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