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Child's lidded sarcophagus of Lucius Aemilius Daphnus made of marble; boys play with nuts; inscription on lid; made of Proconnesian marble.
The panel at the front of the lid is decorated with two winged cupids carrying bows and quivers and supporting a tablet inscribed in Latin. At the corners of the lid are acroteria in the form of cupids' heads. On the sides of the chest are griffins. The back of the chest and lid are unfinished. The interior is provided with a shallow headrest, 21 cm long. The sides were not plumbed in and the floor of the chest slopes up 4 cm from front to back.
The boys appear in four groups of (left to right) five, two, three and two. The first group, of which two sit on the ground, is flanked by a male and a female herm. The other groups are shown against an arcade. All the boys wear tunics. Some have cloaks. They share a distinctive hair-style, sharply defined with a chisel. Though the drapery is crudely carved and the background sketchy, the overa… (See Merlin record for full description)
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